
Table 8. Hexadecimal dump byte assignments for non-keyed data (continued)
Hexadecimal offset Length in bytes Description
00EE 4 Component ID
00F2 8 Version/Release/Modification
00FA 50 Resource paths
012C 10 Power controlling system (PCS) name
0136 10 Power controlling system (PCS) serial
0140 10 Resource at log time
014A 4 Frame ID
014E 2 EIA location
0150 12 Part number
015C 1 Protocol
015D 1 Format of data
015E 1 Delayed reporting
015F 1 Signal event
0160 4 Secondary code
0164 2 Flags
0166 2 State at log time
0168 4 Power controlling system (PCS) type
016C 4 Power controlling system (PCS) model
0170 8 Reserved
0178 2 Component record format
0176 2 Statistics offset
017C 4 Component data length
Table 9. Hexadecimal dump byte assignments for variable component specific data
Hexadecimal Offset Length in Bytes Description
0180 This field is different for each log entry and
is intended for engineering use only.
However, see More information from
hexadecimal reports for examples of how
the hexadecimal information can be
interpreted for a D-IPL.
More information from hexadecimal reports
You can get additional information for IOP 90xx reference code product activity log
entries at DST by using a D-IPL.
Note: The term I/O processor may indicate an IOP or an IOA.
Below are examples of how to interpret hexadecimal information for a D-IPL.
Note: Formatting is available (F4=Additional Information) for IPL from disk (A- or
B-IPL). Formatting is not available in DST from a D-IPL.
Use the information below and the example displays on the following pages to
interpret the hexadecimal dump information that begins at offset hex 000180.Ifthe
characters at offset 00019F are:
01 Device formatting
02 Array Member formatting
03 Configuration formatting
04 Array addendum formatting
Chapter 3. Product Activity Log 117