
6 Debug data exists, full dump (main storage and hardware data)
7 Debug data exists, extended dump (main storage, hardware data, and
destructive data)
8 Debug data exists; dump failed after writing segment identifier (SID) 82 to
9 No debug data exists, destructive data access failed
A No debug data exists, main storage dump failed
B No debug data exists, destructive and main storage access failed
C No debug data exists, partial dump failed
D No debug data exists, hardware dump failed
E No debug data exists, full dump failed
F No debug data exists, extended dump failed
IPL State Indicator (I): The second digit that is displayed in Word 2 indicates
how far the IPL went on before the system displayed the SRC. The indicator has
the following meanings.
Hex Digit
IPL State Description
0 Service processor IPL from start-up code in progress
1 IPL from random access memory (RAM) is running
2 Service processor task initialized
3 LIC initialization completed
4 Operational load of LIC is complete
5 Bus manager initialized
6 Main Storage initialization is complete
7 Load Source DASD connection established
8 Dedicated Service Tool (DST) or limited paging available
9 Storage management directories verified
A Authority structures verified
B Indexes verified
C Database verified
D LIC hand-off to operating system
E IPL is complete to sign on display
F Power down attempted
IPL Type Last Initiated Indicator (G): The third hexadecimal digit that Word 2
displays indicates the IPL type (IPL mode and environment) of the last IPL
performed, or the IPL running at the time of the failure. The IPL type for models
150, 170, 250, 4xx, 50x, 51x, 530, 53S, 6xx, 7xx, SB1, S20, S30, and S40 is coded as
shown in Table 39 on page 196. The IPL type for models 270, 8xx, SB2, SB3, and
890, is coded as shown in Table 40 on page 196.
Chapter 6. System Reference Code (SRC) Information 195