Start Trace
Configuration object......... _________
Type................. 1 1=Line 2=Network interface
3=Network server
Trace description .......... ____________________
Buffer size (in kilobytes)...... 1 1=128, 2=256, 3=2M, 4=4M,
5=6M, 6=8M, 7=16M, 8=32M, 9=64M
Stop on buffer full ......... N Y=Yes, N=No
Data direction ........... 3 1=Sent, 2=Received, 3=Both
Number of bytes to trace
Beginning bytes .......... *CALC VALUE, *CALC
Ending bytes ........... *CALC VALUE, *CALC
Type choices, press Enter.
F3=Exit F5=Refresh F12=Cancel
Enter the name of a communications configuration object description in the
Configuration object prompt:
v For OS/400 operating systems:
If you do not know the name of the configuration object, the work with
configuration status (WRKCFGSTS) command allows you to view a list. You can
view line, controller, or network information by entering the *LIN, *CTL, *NWI,
or *NWS parameter.
Note: You can also use this command to vary off a line and all the I/O
processors and devices under it.
Describe the trace in the Trace description field. This field can help you identify the
You can select a buffer size to hold the communications data that the trace collects.
The default buffer size is 1=128K bytes. Base the size of the buffer on the speed of
the communications line and on the amount of time necessary to trace the data.
For high speed lines or long periods of tracing, a larger buffer size is
If you specify Yes in the Stop on buffer full field, the trace stops when the buffer is
full. This option is useful for viewing the initial data that is coming across a line. If
you specify No, the trace continues until you stop it. In this case, the data in the
buffer will be written over each time the buffer is full.
You can select the direction of data to be traced by specifying one of the three
selections in the Data direction field:
v Only data that the system is sending (option 1)
v Only data that the system is receiving (option 2)
v Both the data sent and received by the system (option 3)
Note: If you specify option 1 (Sent) for lines that are in SDLC short hold mode, the
trace does not include controller names.
Chapter 1. Dedicated Service Tools (DST) 35