Table 76. V.36/RS-449 advanced PCI communications cable (continued)
Signal designation Adapter connector pin number DCE connector pin number
Transmitter clock B (TCLK-B) 28 23
Received data B (RD-B) 5 24
Request to send B (RTS-B) 1 25
Receiver clock B (RCLK-B) 25 26
Ready for sending B (CTS-B) 32 27
Data set ready B (DSR-B) 14 29
Data terminal ready B (DTR-B) 3 30
Carrier detector B (CD-B) 19 31
DTECK B 35 35
SC Ground (SC-GND) 22 37
V.36/RS-449 advanced cable wrap connector wiring
Table 77. V.36/RS-449 advanced cable wrap connector wiring
Signal destination Wrap connector pin to pin
TD-A to RD-A 4 to 6
TC-A to RTS-A 5 to 7
RD-A to TD-A 6 to 4
RTS-A to TC-A, CTS 7 to 5,9
RC-A to DTECK-A 8 to 17
CTS to RTS-A 9 to 7
LLB to TI 10 to 18
DSR-A to DTR-A 11 to 12
DTR-A DSR-A, CD-A 12 to 11,13
CD-A to DTR-A 13 to 12
RLB to RI 14 to 15
RI to RLB 15 to 14
DTECK-A to RC-A 17 to 8
TI to LLB 18 to 10
RC-GND to SC-GND 20 to 37
TD-BtoRD-B 22to24
TC-BtoRTS-B 23to25
RD-BtoTD-B 24to22
RTS-B to TC-B, CTS-B 25 to 23,27
RC-B to DTECK-B 26 to 35
CTS-B to RTS-B 27 to 25
DSR-B to DTR-B 29 to 30
DTR-B to DSR-B, CD-B 30 to 29,31
CD-B to DTR-B 31 to 30
DTECK-B to RC-B 35 to 26
262 Service Functions V5R2