
When a failed disk unit is repaired, use this option to rebuild the data. This
option allows you to use the redundancy feature of device parity protection to
rebuild data to a disk unit.
Attention: If there are several disk unit incompatibilities, make certain that the
correct units are installed.
v Reclaim IOP cache storage
When the IOP cache memory fails and needs to be replaced, this option allows
you to remove and destroy the damaged data in the IOP cache.
Data can remain in the IOP cache when failures occur. Occasionally, a situation
is so severe that the system perceives missing units. This prevents the system
from IPLing. At other times, a reduction in the amount of usable cache storage
occurs. This situation presents itself only as a warning during a manual mode
v Correct device parity protection mismatch
This option allows you to accept the situation where configured disk units are
expected to have device parity protection enabled but currently have device
parity protection disabled. The configuration will no longer expect these disk
units to be device parity protected.
v Recover unknown load source
This option allows recovery from an unknown load-source error where the mate
of the load source in the mirrored pair is missing and the system does not
currently recognize the load source.
Note: For load-source disks in remote load-source mirrored pairs, use the next
v Recover mirrored load source
This option allows you to recover from a local load-source failure.
Remote load-source mirroring support must be started.
This option will find the disk configuration, find the remote load source, and
copy the data from the remote load source to the new local load source. The
system will be IPLed to DST once this operation completes successfully.
v Recover from start compression failure
Use this option in a recovery from a start compression operation that failed.
v Migrate load-source disk unit data
During migration, this option copies data from an original load-source disk unit
onto the load-source disk unit of a new system.
Disk unit problem recovery procedures: This option allows you to select
functions that assist in problem isolation and repair actions.
Note: Only the disk units that are available for a specific function are displayed.
v Initialize and format disk units
Use this option when the disk unit reference code indicates that reallocations
have failed because no other space is available. All the ID fields on the disk unit
are written again. Running this option erases all the data from the disk unit.
This option is not available for the load-source disk unit.
v Display/change page data
Use this option as follows:
22 Service Functions V5R2