
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller — Device Status Register - STATUS (00008h; R)
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller 324632-003
Software Developer’s Manual and EEPROM Guide Revision: 2.1
302 January 2011
14.3.2 Device Status Register - STATUS (00008h; R)
This register provides software status for the 82575’s settings and modes of operation.
Reserved 29 0b Reserved
Should be written with 0b to ensure future compatibility. Read as 0b.
VME 30 0b VLAN Mode Enable
When set to 1b, all packets transmitted from the 82575 that have VLE bit set in their
descriptor is sent with an 802.1Q header added to the packet. The contents of the
header come from the transmit descriptor and from the VLAN type register. On
receive, VLAN information is stripped from 802.1Q packets.
PHY_RST 31 0b PHY Reset
Controls a hardware-level reset to the internal PHY.
0b = Normal operation.
1b = PHY reset asserted.
1. If the signature bits of the EEPROM’s Initialization Control Word 1 match (01b), these bits are read from the EEPROM.
Field Bit(s)
FD 0 X Full-Duplex
FD reflects the actual MAC duplex configuration. This normally reflects the duplex
setting for the entire link, as it normally reflects the duplex configuration negotiated
between the PHY and link partner (copper link) or MAC and link partner (fiber link).
0b = half duplex.
1b = full duplex.
LU 1 X Link Up
For this bit to be valid, the Set Link Up bit in the Device Control Register (CTRL.SU) must
be set.
Link up provides a useful indication of whether something is attached to the port.
Successful negotiation of features/link parameters results in link activity. The link
startup process (and consequently the duration for this activity after reset) can be
several 100's of ms. When the MAC is operating in 10/100/1000BASE-T mode (internal
PHY), this reflects whether the PHY's LINK indication is present. if Auto-Negotiation is
enabled, this can also indicate successful auto-negotiation.
0b = No link established.
1b = Link established.
LAN ID 3:2 0b LAN ID
Provides software a mechanism to determine the LAN identifier for the MAC.
00b = LAN 0.
01b = LAN 1.
TXOFF 4 X Transmission Paused
This bit indicates the state of the transmit function when symmetrical flow control has
been enabled and negotiated with the link partner. This bit is set to 1b when
transmission is paused due to the reception of an XOFF frame. It is cleared (0b) upon
expiration of the pause timer or the receipt of an XON frame.
Reserved 5 X Reserved
Field Bit(s)