82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller — IPv4 Address Table - IP4AT (05840h + 8*n
[n=0..3]; R/W)
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller 324632-003
Software Developer’s Manual and EEPROM Guide Revision: 2.1
388 January 2011
14.6.5 IPv4 Address Table - IP4AT (05840h + 8*n
[n=0..3]; R/W)
The IPv4 Address Table is used to store the four IPv4 addresses for the ARP/IPv4 Request packet and
Directed IP packet wakeup.
Note: This table is not cleared by any reset.
14.6.6 IPv6 Address Table - IP6AT (05880h +
4*n[n=0..3]; R/W)
The IPv6 Address Table is used to store the IPv6 addresses for Neighbor Discovery packet filtering and
Directed IP packet wakeup.
Note: This table is not cleared by any reset.
V42 2 0b IPv4 Address 2 Valid.
V43 3 0b IPv4 Address 3 Valid.
Reserved 15:4 0h Reserved.
V60 16 0b IPv6 Address 0 Valid.
Reserved 31:17 0b Reserved.
DWORD# Address 31 0
0 5840h IPV4ADDR0
2 5848h IPV4ADDR1
3 5850h IPV4ADDR2
4 5858h IPV4ADDR3
Field Dword # Address Bit(s) Initial Value Description
IPV4ADDR0 0 5840h 31:0 X IPv4 Address 0
IPV4ADDR1 2 5848h 31:0 X IPv4 Address 1
IPV4ADDR2 4 5850h 31:0 X IPv4 Address 2
IPV4ADDR3 6 5858h 31:0 X IPv4 Address 3
DWORD# Address 31 0
0 5880h IPV6ADDR0
1 5884h
2 5888h
3 588Ch