82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller — Wakeup Filter Control Register - WUFC (05808h; R/
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller 324632-003
Software Developer’s Manual and EEPROM Guide Revision: 2.1
386 January 2011
14.6.2 Wakeup Filter Control Register - WUFC
(05808h; R/W)
This register is used to enable each of the pre-defined and flexible filters for wakeup support. A value of
1b means the filter is turned on.; A value of 0b means the filter is turned off.
If the NoTCO bit is set, then any packet that passes the manageability packet filtering described in the
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) System Management Bus Interface Application Note does not cause a
Wake Up event even if it passes one of the Wake Up Filters. This bit is set at initialization and during
any EEPROM read if the SMBus Enable bit of the EEPROM's Management Control word is 1b. Otherwise
its initial value is 0b.
Field Bit(s)
APME 0 0b
1. Loaded from the EEPROM.
Advance Power Management Enable
If set to 1b, APM Wakeup is enabled.
If this bit is set and the APMPME bit is cleared, reception of a magic packet asserts
the WUS.MAG bit but does not assert a PME.
PME_En 1 0b PME_En
This read/write bit is used by the software device driver to access the PME_En bit of
the Power Management Control / Status Register (PMCSR) without writing to the
PCIe* configuration space.
PME_Status 2 0b PME_Status
This bit is set when the 82575
receives a wakeup event. It is the same as the
PME_Status bit in the Power Management Control / Status Register (PMCSR).
Writing a 1b to this bit clears the PME_Status bit in the PMCSR.
Assert PME On APM Wakeup
If set to 1b, the 82575 sets the PME_Status bit in the Power Management Control /
Status Register (PMCSR) and asserts PME# when APM Wakeup is enabled and the
82575 receives a matching Magic Packet.
Reserved 31:4 0h Reserved
Field Bit(s) Initial Value Description
LNKC 0 0b Link Status Change Wakeup Enable.
MAG 1 0b Magic Packet Wakeup Enable.
EX 2 0b Directed Exact Wakeup Enable.
MC 3 0b Directed Multicast Wakeup Enable.
BC 4 0b Broadcast Wakeup Enable.
ARP 5 0b ARP Request Packet Wakeup Enable.
IPv4 6 0b Directed IPv4 Packet Wakeup Enable.
IPv6 7 0b Directed IPv6 Packet Wakeup Enable.
Reserved 14:8 0b Reserved. Set these bits to 0b.
NoTCO 15 0 Ignore TCO/management packets for wakeup.
FLX0 16 0b Flexible Filter 0 Enable.
FLX1 17 0b Flexible Filter 1 Enable.