EEPROM Read Register - EERD (00014h; RW) — Intel
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller
324632-003 Intel
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller
Revision: 2.1 Software Developer’s Manual and EEPROM Guide
January 2011 305
14.3.4 EEPROM Read Register - EERD (00014h; RW)
This register is used by software to cause the 82575 to read individual words in the EEPROM. To read a
word, software writes the address to the Read Address field and simultaneously writes a 1b to the Start
Read field. The 82575 reads the word from the EEPROM and places it in the Read Data field, setting the
Read Done field to 1b. Software can poll this register, looking for a 1b in the Read Done field, and then
using the value in the Read Data field.
When this register is used to read a word from the EEPROM, that word does not influence any of the
82575's internal registers even if it is normally part of the auto-read sequence.
EE_ADDR_SIZE 10 0b EEPROM Address Size
This field defines the address size of the EEPROM.
This bit is set by the EEPROM size auto-detect mechanism. If no EEPROM is present or
the signature is not valid, a 16-bit address is assumed.
0b = 8- and 9-bit.
1b = 16-bit.
EE_SIZE (RO) 14:11
0010b EEEPROM Size
This field defines the size of the EEPROM:
Field ValueaaaaaEEPROM SizeaaaaaEEPROM Address Size
0000baaaaaaaaaa128 bytesaaaaaaaaaa1 byte
0001baaaaaaaaaa256 bytesaaaaaaaaaa1 byte
0010baaaaaaaaaa512 bytesaaaaaaaaaa1 byte
0011baaaaaaaaaa1 KBaaaaaaaaaaaaaa2 bytes
0100baaaaaaaaaa2 KBaaaaaaaaaaaaaa2 bytes
0101baaaaaaaaaa4 KBaaaaaaaaaaaaaa2 bytes
0110babaaaaaaaa8 KBaaaaaaaaaaaaaa2 bytes
0111babaaaaaaaa16 KBaaaaaaaaaaaaa2 bytes
1000baaaaaaaaaa32 KBaaaaaaaaaaaaa2 bytes
1001b:1111baaaReservedaaaaaaaaaa Reserved
Reserved 31:15 0b Reserved
Reads as 0b.
1. These bits are read from the EEPROM.
Field Bit(s)
START 0 0b Start Read
Writing a 1b to this bit causes the EEPROM to read a (16-bit) word at the address stored in
the EE_ADDR field and then storing the result in the EE_DATA field. This bit is self-clearing.
Field Bit