82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller — Hardware Accessed Words
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller 324632-003
Software Developer’s Manual and EEPROM Guide Revision: 2.1
76 January 2011 Configuration Customization Options PCI Function 0 (Word 31h)
Word 31h of the EEPROM contains settings that can be programmed by an OEM or network
administrator to customize the operation of the software. These settings cannot be changed from within
the Control-S setup menu. The lower byte contains settings that would typically be configured by a
network administrator using an external utility; these settings generally control which setup menu
options are changeable. The upper byte is generally settings that would be used by an OEM to control
the operation of the agent in a LOM environment, although there is nothing in the agent to prevent
their use on a NIC implementation. The default value for this word is 4000h.
Bit(s) Name Default Function
15:14 SIG 0x1 Signature. Must be set to 01 to indicate that this word has been
programmed by the agent or other configuration software.
13 RFU 0b Reserved. Must be 0.
12 RFU 0b Reserved. Must be 0.
11 RETRY 0b Selects Continuous Retry operation.
If this bit is set, IBA will NOT transfer control back to the BIOS if it fails to
boot due to a network error (such as failure to receive DHCP replies).
Instead, it will restart the PXE boot process again. If this bit is set, the only
way to cancel PXE boot is for the user to press ESC on the keyboard. Retry
will not be attempted due to hardware conditions such as an invalid
EEPROM checksum or failing to establish link.
Default value is 0.
10:8 MODE 0b Selects the agent’s boot order setup mode.
This field changes the agent’s default behavior in order to make it
compatible with systems that do not completely support the BBS and PnP
Expansion ROM standards. Valid values and their meanings are:
000b - Normal behavior. The agent will attempt to detect BBS and PnP
Expansion ROM support as it normally does.
001b - Force Legacy mode. The agent will not attempt to detect BBS or PnP
Expansion ROM supports in the BIOS and will assume the BIOS is not
compliant. The user can change the BIOS boot order in the Setup
010b - Force BBS mode. The agent will assume the BIOS is BBS-compliant,
even though it may not be detected as such by the agent’s detection
code. The user can NOT change the BIOS boot order in the Setup
011b - Force PnP Int18 mode. The agent will assume the BIOS allows boot
order setup for PnP Expansion ROMs and will hook interrupt 18h (to
inform the BIOS that the agent is a bootable device) in addition to
registering as a BBS IPL device. The user can NOT change the BIOS
boot order in the Setup Menu.
100b - Force PnP Int19 mode. The agent will assume the BIOS allows boot
order setup for PnP Expansion ROMs and will hook interrupt 19h (to
inform the BIOS that the agent is a bootable device) in addition to
registering as a BBS IPL device. The user can NOT change the BIOS
boot order in the Setup Menu.
101b - Reserved for future use. If specified, is treated as a value of 000b.
110b - Reserved for future use. If specified, is treated as a value of 000b.
111b - Reserved for future use. If specified, is treated as a value of 000b.
7 RFU 0b Reserved. Must be 0.
6 RFU 0b Reserved. Must be 0.
5 DFU 0b Disable Flash Update.
If this bit is set to 1, the user is not allowed to update the flash image using
PROSet. Default value is 0.