82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller — Tx Descriptor Completion Write-Back Address High
- TDWBAH (0383Ch + 100*n [n=0..3]; R/W)
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller 324632-003
Software Developer’s Manual and EEPROM Guide Revision: 2.1
370 January 2011
14.3.75 Tx Descriptor Completion Write-Back Address
High - TDWBAH (0383Ch + 100*n [n=0..3]; R/
• Queue0 - TDWBAH0 (0383Ch)
• Queue1 - TDWBAH1 (0393Ch)
• Queue2 - TDWBAH2 (03A3Ch)
• Queue3 - TDWBAH3 (03B3Ch)
14.3.76 PCS Configuration 0 - PCS_CFG (04200h; R/W)
Field Bit(s)
HeadWB_High 31:0 0h Highest 32 bits of the head write-back memory location (for 64-bit addressing).
Field Bit(s)
Reserved 2:0 000b Reserved
PCS Enable 3 1b PCS Enable
Enables the PCS logic of the MAC. Should be set in both SGMII and SerDes mode for
normal operation.
Clearing this bit disables RX/TX of both data and control codes. Use this to force link
down at the far end.
Reserved 29:4 0h Reserved
PCS Isolate 30 0b PCS Isolate
Setting this bit isolates the PCS logic from the MAC's data path. PCS control codes are
still sent and received.
SRESET 31 0b Soft Reset
Setting this bit puts all modules within the MAC in reset except the Host Interface. The
Host Interface is reset via HRST. This bit is NOT self clearing; GMAC is in a reset state
until this bit is set.