82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller — Receive Descriptor Base Address High - RDBAH
(02804h + 100*n [n=0..3]; R/W)
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller 324632-003
Software Developer’s Manual and EEPROM Guide Revision: 2.1
358 January 2011 Receive Descriptor Base Address Low - RDBAL
(02800h + 100*n [n=0..3]; R/W)
This register contains the lower bits of the 64-bit descriptor base address. The lower four bits are
always ignored. The Receive Descriptor Base Address must point to a 128 byte-aligned block of data.
• Queue0 - RDBAL0 (02800h)
• Queue1 - RDBAL1 (02900h)
• Queue2 - RDBAL2 (02A00h)
• Queue3 - RDBAL3 (02B00h)
14.3.56 Receive Descriptor Base Address High - RDBAH
(02804h + 100*n [n=0..3]; R/W)
This register contains the upper 32 bits of the 64-bit descriptor base address
• Queue0 - RDBAH0 (02804h)
• Queue1 - RDBAH1 (02904h)
• Queue2 - RDBAH2 (02A04h)
• Queue3 - RDBAH3 (02B04h)
14.3.57 Receive Descriptor Length - RDLEN (02808h +
100*n [n=0..3]; R/W)
This register sets the number of bytes allocated for descriptors in the circular descriptor buffer. It must
be 128-byte aligned.
• Queue0 - RDLEN0 (02808h)
• Queue1 - RDLEN1 (02908h)
• Queue2 - RDLEN2 (02A08h)
• Queue3 - RDLEN3 (02B08h)
Field Bit(s)
Reserved 6:0 00h Ignored on writes.
Returns 00h on reads.
RDBAL 31:7 X Receive Descriptor Base Address Low
Field Bit(s)
RDBAH 31:0 X Receive Descriptor Base Address [63:32]