Receive Descriptor Head - RDH (02810h + 100*n [n=0..3]; R/W) — Intel
82575EB Gigabit
Ethernet Controller
324632-003 Intel
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller
Revision: 2.1 Software Developer’s Manual and EEPROM Guide
January 2011 359
14.3.58 Receive Descriptor Head - RDH (02810h +
100*n [n=0..3]; R/W)
The value in this register might point to descriptors that are still not in host memory. As a result, the
host cannot rely on this value in order to determine which descriptor to process.
• Queue0 - RDH0 (02810h)
• Queue1 - RDH1 (02910h)
• Queue2 - RDH2 (02A10h)
• Queue3 - RDH3 (02B10h)
14.3.59 Receive Descriptor Tail - RDT (02818h + 100*n
[n=0..3]; R/W)
This register contains the tail pointers for the receive descriptor buffer. The register points to a 16-byte
datum. Software writes the tail register to add receive descriptors to the hardware free list for the ring.
• Queue0 - RDT0 (02818h)
• Queue1 - RDT1 (02918h)
• Queue2 - RDT2 (02A18h)
• Queue3 - RDT3 (02B18h)
Note: Writing the RDT register while the corresponding queue is disabled is ignored by the 82575.
Field Bit(s)
Reserved 6:0 00h Ignored on writes.
Reads back as 00h.
LEN 19:7 00h Descriptor Length
Reserved 31:20 00h Reserved
Reads as 0b.
Should be written to 0b for future compatibility.
Field Bit(s)
RDH 15:0 0h Receive Descriptor Head
Reserved 31:16 0h Reserved
Should be written to 0b.
Field Bit(s)
RDT 15:0 0h Receive Descriptor Tail
Reserved 31:16 0h Reserved
Reads as 0b.
Should be written to 0b for future compatibility.