
Software Semaphore - SWSM (05B50h; R/W) — Intel
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller
324632-003 Intel
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller
Revision: 2.1 Software Developer’s Manual and EEPROM Guide
January 2011 411
14.8.19 Software Semaphore - SWSM (05B50h; R/W)
14.8.20 Firmware Semaphore - FWSM (05B58h; R/WS)
Field Bit(s)
31 1b When a write operation completes this bit is set to 1b indicating that new data
can be written. This bit is over written to 0b by new data.
Reserved 30:16 0b Reserved.
Address 15:8 0b Address to SerDes.
Data 7:0 0b Data to SerDes.
Field Bit(s)
Reserved 31:4 0h Reserved
EEUR 3 0h EEPROM Update Request
EEPROM request update from firmware. Software should clear this bit after
the FWSMFW_valid bit is set.
WMNG (SC) 2 0h Wake MNG clock
When this bit is set, hardware wakes the MNG clock (if gated).
Asserting this bit does not clear the CFG_DONE bit in the EEMNGCTL register.
This bit is self cleared on writes.
SWESMBI 1 0h Software EEPROM Semaphore bit
This bit should be set only by the device driver (read only to firmware). The
bit is not set if bit 0 in the FWSM register is set.
The device driver should set this bit and than read it to see if it was set. If it
was set, it means that the device driver can read/write from/to the EEPROM.
The device driver should clear this bit after completing EEPROM access.
Hardware clears this bit on PCIe* reset.
SMBI (RS) 0 0h Semaphore Bit
This bit is set by hardware when this register is read by the device driver and
cleared when the HOST driver writes a 0b to it.
The first time this register is read, the value is 0b. In the next read the value
is 1b (hardware mechanism). The value remains 1b until the software device
driver clears it.
This bit can be used as a semaphore between the two device's drivers in the
This bit is cleared on PCIe* reset.
Field Bit(s)
Reserved 31:29 0h Reserved.
Unlock_EEP 28 0h Unlock EEPROM
Set to 1b by software in order to allow re-writing to EEPROM word 12h (EEPROM
Sizing and Protection).
Cleared by firmware once EEPROM word 12h is unlocked.