Converting Data Between Binary and ASCII
176 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Developer’s Guide
Step 5: Final
Finalize the decoding process, writing out any bytes remaining:
Step 6: Destroy
When you are done, remember to destroy all objects and free up any memory that has
been allocated:
if ((status = B_DecodeUpdate
(asciiDecoder, binaryDecoding, &binaryDecodingLenUpdate,
asciiEncodingLenTotal, asciiEncoding,
asciiEncodingLenTotal)) != 0)
unsigned int binaryDecodingLenFinal;
if ((status = B_DecodeFinal
(asciiDecoder, binaryDecoding + binaryDecodingLenUpdate,
asciiEncodingLenTotal - binaryDecodingLenUpdate)) != 0)
B_DestroyAlgorithmObject (&asciiDecoder);
T_free (binaryDecoding);