226 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Developer’s Guide
send it off.
Remember to free any memory you allocated:
Note: The conversion into BER or DER is known as BER-encoding or DER-
encoding; the conversion between binary to ASCII is known as encoding and
decoding. In general, the word “encoding” without “BER” in front of it means
binary to ASCII. If the encoding is BER- or DER-encoding, the BER or DER
should be explicitly stated.
RSA Public-Key Encryption
Follow Steps 1 through 6 to encrypt the following using an RSA public key:
Step 1: Creating An Algorithm Object
Declare a variable to be B_ALGORITHM_OBJ. As defined in the function prototype in
Chapter 4 of the Reference Manual, its address is the argument for
Step 2: Setting The Algorithm Object
There are a number of RSA AIs, described in Table 4-7 on page 107. For this example,
AI_PKCS_RSAPublic. This AI encrypts and decrypts data according to the Public-
Key Cryptography Standard #1 (PKCS#1 v1.5). See the PKCS document [1] for more
The Chapter2 entry in the Reference Manual states that
AI_PKCS_RSAPublic supplies
T_free (myPublicKeyBER.data);
static unsigned char dataToEncryptWithRSA[8] = {
0x4a, 0x72, 0x55, 0x36, 0xda, 0x2f, 0xb9, 0x51
if ((status = B_CreateAlgorithmObject (&rsaEncryptor)) != 0)