346 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Developer’s Guide
secret sharing
Splitting a secret (for examle, a private
key) into many pieces such that any
specified subset of k pieces may be
combined to form the secret, but k-1
pieces are not enough.
A typically random bit sequence used to
generate another, usually longer
pseudo-random bit sequence.
session key
A key for symmetric-key cryptosystems
which is used for the duration of one
message or communication session.
Secure Electronic Transaction.
MasterCard and Visa developed (with
some help from industry) this standard
jointly to insure secure electronic
shared key
The secret key two (or more) users share
in a symmetric-key cryptosystem.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
smart card
A card, not much bigger than a credit
card, that contains a computer chip and
is used to store or process information.
stream cipher
A secret-key encryption algorithm that
processes data in a stream of arbitary
length one a bit at a time.
stream cipher based MAC
MAC that uses linear feedback shift
registers (LFSRs) to reduce the size of
the data it processes.
strong prime
A prime number with certain properties
chosen to defend against specific
factoring techniques.
Secure Wide Area Network.
symmetric cipher
An encryption algorithm that uses the
same key is used for encryption as
symmetric key
See secret key.
A property of a stream cipher, stating
that the keystream is generated
independently of the plaintext and
tamper resistant
In cryptographic terms, this usually
refers to a hardware device that is either
impossible or extremely difficult to
reverse engineer or extract information
Trusted Computer System Evaluation
See digital timestamp.