Index 353
padding 37, 126, 180
RSA algorithm 227
Diffie-Hellman key agreement 63, 99, 249
Digital Signature Algorithm 60, 239
surrender context and 118
See also elliptic curve parameters
parity bits 129
password 93
password-based encryption 49
algorithm info types 106
dictionary attack 50
example 206–211
key 208
salt 207
PBE See password-based encryption
PEM encoding 103
Performing EC Diffie-Hellman Key
Agreement 280
PKCS #11
Advanced 147
DSA Support 144
random number generator 148
PKCS standards 4
point See elliptic curve parameters
point-to-point applications 84, 85
polynomial basis See elliptic curve
prime 52, 60
privacy 83
Privacy Enhanced Mail See PEM encoding
public exponent 52
public-key cryptography 50–80
algorithm info types 107–111
digital certificate 61
digital signature 57
security 91
signing 213
symmetric-key vs. 51, 87
See also Diffie-Hellman key agreement,
Digital Signature Algorithm, elliptic
curve cryptography, RSA algorithm
random number
algorithm info types 104
entropy 93
example 165–171
generating 48
hardware 111
random numbers
multiple streams of randomness 170
random seed 48, 92, 167
generating 93
RC2 38, 88
effective key 39, 99, 185, 186
examples 184–190, 207–211
RC4 46
algorithm chooser 117
applications 84
BER example 124
example 9
key 95
key size 99
MAC with 47
RC5 39, 88
block size 39, 190
example 190–196
key 99, 190
key size 40
rounds 39, 99, 190
version number 191
word size 39, 190
RC6 40, 88
block size 40
example 196–201
rounds 40
word size 40
Rivest, Ronald 38, 39, 46, 52
rounds 39, 99, 190
RC6 40
RSA algorithm 51–55
algorithm info types 107–109
applications 85
digital envelope 227
digital signature 57, 59, 227, 233
elliptic curve cryptography vs. 90
ANSI X9.31 313
decryption 229–231
digital signature 233–239
distributing a key pair 223–226
encryption 226–229
generating a key pair 214–217
raw RSA 231–232
factoring and 54, 98
input constraints 127, 227, 231–232, 233
key 53, 54, 97, 98, 129, 130, 215
key escrow 82
key info types 114
modulus 52, 98, 130, 215
output considerations 228, 230
raw RSA 227
sample algorithm chooser 117
security 54
timing attacks and blinding 96, 229
See also public-key cryptography