acceleration table 273
Adelman, Leonard 52
Advanced Encryption Standard xvii
Advanced PKCS #11 147
AES xvii, 40, 41
AI See algorithm info type
algorithm chooser 15, 116–??
hardware chooser 132
RC4 sample chooser 117
RSA algorithm chooser 117
Algorithm Choosers 116
algorithm info type 11, 101
ASCII-encoding types 104
BHAPI 111, 133
message authentication types 104
message digest types 103
public-key types 107–111
random number types 104
secret-sharing types 111
symmetric-key types 104–107
algorithm method 15, 116
listing in chooser 15
algorithm object 9, 10, 11, 101
defined 9
hardware and 132
ANSI standards 6
applications of cryptography 83–86
ASCII encoding 83, 125
algorithm info types 104
example 172–176
output considerations 173, 175
asymmetric key cryptography See public-key
attacks 207
dictionary 50
man-in-the-middle 85
timing 95
authentication 57, 83
Diffie-Hellman key agreement 63
Digital Signature Algorithm 60
elliptic curve 71
basis See elliptic curve cryptography
BER encoding 123–125
algorithm info types 102
Diffie-Hellman key agreement 254–
RC4 124–125
RSA key pair 224–226
SHA1 155–156
BHAPI 132–149
algorithm info types 111
key token 132
binary data
encoding to ASCII 172–176
memory management and 123
output considerations 175
printing 25
blinding 95, 229
block cipher 37
algorithm info types 105–107
examples 178–201
initialization vector 41
input constraints 126
key info types 113
key management 87
modes of operation 41
output considerations 37, 126
padding 37
selecting 88
See also AES, DES, DESX, RC2, RC5, Triple
block size 39, 40
RC6 40
Bloom-Shamir secret sharing See secret
BSAFE 2.x 9
BSAFE Hardware API See BHAPI, hardware
BSLite 336
CBC See modes of operation
certificate authority 62