
Command-Line Demo Users Guide
328 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Developers Guide
BDEMOEC can use ECDSA to create and verify digital signatures for a file, and it
can use the Elliptic Curve Authenticated Encryption Scheme (ECAES) to seal and
open a digital envelope, placing the output in another file. These demo programs
support input files of arbitrary length. As with BDEMO, the file to be sealed with
the digital envelope is encrypted using the DES algorithm; however, in
BDEMOEC, the DES key is encrypted using ECAES instead of RSA encryption.
This appendix has three sections. Command-Line Demo Users Guide on page 328
shows how to use the BDEMO, BDEMODSA, and BDEMOEC Command-Line
Demos. File Reference on page 335 explains the files used in these applications.
BSLite on page 336 describes the BSLite routines.
Command-Line Demo Users Guide
The three command-line demos are menu-driven applications that demonstrate basic
cryptographic operations. Each demo prompts you for commands; you type the
responses. The various commands and expected responses are explained in the
sections for the individual demos.
Use BDEMO to create and verify an RSA digital signature for a DES-encrypted file.
Use it also to seal and open an RSA digital envelope, placing the encrypted output in
another file. The signature and envelope methods used by Crypto-C are compatible
with the Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS).
Starting BDEMO
Command Line mode
To start BDEMO, enter the following after the system prompt:
> bdemo
Input Redirection mode
You may also run BDEMO in input redirection mode where your responses to the
menu prompts are read from a file. For example, to read commands from a file named
testin, enter the following after the system prompt: