342 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Developer’s Guide
Elliptic Curve DSA (Digital Signature
Algorithm). An elliptic curve analogue
of DSA.
Electronic (business) Data Interchange.
elliptic curve
The set of points (x, y) satisfying an
equation of the form for variables x, y
and constants a, b Î F, where F is a field.
elliptic curve cryptosystem
See ECC.
elliptic curve discrete logarithm
Also known as ECDL: the problem of
finding m such that m ·P = Q, where P
and Q are two points on an elliptic
elliptic curve (factoring) method
A special-purpose factoring algorithm
that attempts to find a prime factor p of
an integer n by finding an elliptic curve
whose number of points modulo p is
divisible by only small primes.
The transformation of plaintext into an
apparently less readable form (called
ciphertext) through a mathematical
process. The ciphertext may be read by
anyone who has the key that decrypts
(undoes the encryption) the ciphertext.
See XOR.
Given an integer n, any number that
divides it is called a factor of n. For
example, 7 is a factor of 91, because 91/7
is an integer.
The breaking down of an integer into its
prime factors. This is a hard problem.
factoring methods
See elliptic curve method, multiple
polynomial quadratic sieve, number
field sieve, Pollard p-1 and Pollard p+1
method, Pollard rho method, quadratic
Federal Information Processing
Standards. See NIST.
generic security service application
program interface.
A person who tries and/or succeeds at
defeating computer security measures.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers. A body that creates some
cryptography standards.
Internet Engineering Task Force.