Basic Recording
• While recording, it is very important to hoedthe camcorder correctly,
• For stable recording, fix the LENS cap firmly by clipping it on the hand strap,
(refer to figure)
1. Hold the camcorderfirmly using the handstrap,(see page20)
2. Placeyour right elbowagainstyourside.
3. Placeyour lefthand underor next to the LCDto supportand adjust it.
Do not touchthe built-inmicrophone.
4. Choose a comfortable,stable positionforthe shotsthat you aretaking.
Youcan leanagainsta watIor on a tableforgreater stability,
Do not forgetto breathegently.
5. Use the LCDframeas a guide to determinethe horizontalplane,
6. Wheneverpossible,usea tripod.
1. Hold the camcorderfirmly with the handstrap,(see page20)
2. Placeyour right elbowagainstyourside,
3. Placeyour lefthand underthe camcorderto supportit.
Do not touchthe built-inmicrophone.
4. Choose a comfortable,stable positionforthe shots.
Youcan leanagainsta wall or on a tablefor greater stability,
Do not forgetto breathegently.
5. Put youreyefirmly againstthe eyecap.
6. Use the viewfinderframeas a guide to determinethe horizontalplane.
7. Wheneverpossible,use atripod.