Advanced Recording
÷ Zoomworks in CAMERAmodeonly.
÷ Zooming isa recordingtechniquethat lets youchange the size ofthe sub)ectin the picture.For more professional
lookingrecordings,do not usethe zoomfunctiontoo often.
÷ Youcan alsochoosefrom two zoomspeedsto suit differentneeds:
• Gradualzoom (9~12secondsfromTELE/WlDEto WIDE/TELE)
• High-Speedzoom (3~6 secondsfromTELE/WlDEto WIDE/TELE)
÷ Usethesefeaturesfor differentshots; pleasenote that overuse ofthe zoomfeaturecan lead to unprofessional
lookingresults and a reductionof battery packusagetime.
1, Move the zoom lever a little for a gradual zoom,
move it further for a high-speed zoom.
Your zooming is monitored on the OSD.
2. T (Telephoto)side:
3. W (Wideangle) side:
Subjectappearsfurther away.
If you cannotget a sharpfocus in telephotozoom,movethe leverto the "W"side until the focusis sharp.
Youcan record asubjectthat is at least 1 mm awayfrom the lenssurface in thewide angleposition.