÷ Ifthe camcorderis broughtdirectlyfrom a cold placetoa warm place, moisture maycondense insidethe
camcorder,on the surfaceof the tape,or on the lens,Inthis condition,the tapemay stickto the headdrum and be
damagedor the unit may notoperate correctly,
Toprevent possibledamageunderthese circumstances,
the camcorderhas a built-inmoisturesensor,
÷ Ifthere ismoisture insidethe camcorder,DEW [J_ is displayed,
If this happens,noneofthe functionsexceptcassetteejectionwill work,
Open the cassettecompartmentand removethe batteryfor at leasttwo
hoursin a warm dry room.
÷ Pleasefollowthis procedurewhen the DEWprotectionfeatureis
unexpectedlyactivatedandyouwant tooverride it:
(Pleasemakesure that the condensationhas disappearedcompletely.)
1. Takethe battery packout.
2. Take the lithium battery out.
3. Put the lithium battery back,
4. Putthe bakery packback,