Advanced Recording
4. The PROGRAMAE functionworks inthe CAMERAmodeonly.
4. The PROGRAMAE modesallow youto adjust shutter speedsand apertureto suit different recordingconditions,
Theygive youcreativecontroIoverthe depthof the field,
4. There are6 automatic exposuremodes,
1. AUTO mode
• Autobalancebetweenthe subject and the background.
• Tobe used in normal conditions.
• The shutter speedautomaticallyvariesfrom 1/60to 1/250second, dependingon the picture.
2. SPORTSmode ( _ )
• Forrecordingpeopleor objects movingquickly;you should ableto playbackthe pictureinslow motionon an
8 mm VCRor stop on a given imagewith very little blur.
3. PORTRAIT mode( _ )
• Forfocusingonthe backgroundof the subject,the backgroundbeingout offocus.
The PORTRAITmodeis most effectivewhen used outdoors.
• The shutter speedautomaticallyvariesfrom 1/60to 1/1000 second,dependingonthe picture.
4. SPOTLIGHTmode ( _ )
• Torecord correctlywhenthere is only lighton the subjectand notthe restof the picture,
• The shutter speedis 1/60 second.
5. SAND/SNOWmode ( _ )
• Forrecordingwhen the peopleor objects are darkerthan the backgroundbecauseof reflectedlight from sand
or snow,
• Theshutterspeedautomaticallyvariesfrom1/60to1/250second, dependingonthepicture.
6. HSS (High Speed Shutter) mode (_)
• Forrecordingfast-movingsubjectssuch as the playersin goifor tennisgames,
• Youmay needto lightthe recordingarea.