A vertical stripe appearswhen * The contrastbetweenthe subjectandthe backgroundis too greatforthe
you recorda brightsubject camcorderto operate normally.Makethe backgroundbrightto reduce the
againsta dark background contrast or usethe BLCfunction while youare recording.(see page41)
(candleflame, for example).
The imagequality on the LCD * The useof VIEWFINDERis recommendedwhen recordingunder sunlight.
is poor. (see page 7)
• Adjustthe LCD.(see page30)
The image in the viewfinderis • The viewfinderlens hasnot been adjusted.
blurred. Turn theviewfinderfocus ring untilthe screencomesinto sharpfocus.
(see page 31)
The tape does not movewhen • Set the POWERswitchto PLAYER.
you pressthe Play,Fast • Youhave reachedthe beginningor end of the cassette.
Forwardor Rewindbuttons.
The picturedoes notappear in • The LCD monitoris opened.
the viewfinder.
There is no soundfromthe • Makesure the SPEAKERis ON.(see page60)
SPEAKERwhen playingback
the tape.
The Date/TimeorTitle disap- • The lithiumbattery is not installedor isfully used up.
pearedeventhough you had it (see page21)