Advanced Recording
4, Digital Zoomworks in CAMERAmode only.
4, Zooms morethan 22xare performeddigitally,
4, The picturequalitydeterioratesas yougo towardsthe "T"side,
4, We recommendthat youusethe DiS (SCL860/L870)featurewith the DIGITALZOOMfor picturestability.
(see page 39)
1, Set the powerswitchto CAMERAmode,(see page22)
• Openthe LCD monitorand adjust the LCDmonitorsoas to see comfortably,
2, Make surethatthe DIGITALZOOM featureison, (see page 36)
3, When youmovetheZOOM leverto the "T"side,the picturewill be enlarged
within 22x minimumto 880x maximumZOOM.
This is the DIGITALZOOMboundary,
m_ H880 []
_shows the digital zoom area
shows the optical zoom area
4, If youdo not wantto use theDIGITALZOOM,set the DIGITALZOOMfunctionto OFF in the MENUlist.
(see page 36)