Advanced Recording
7. Press ENTER.
• The monthto be resetwill blink.
8. Turnthe UP/DOWNdialto set the desired month.
9. Press ENTER.
• The dayto be resetwill b{ink.
10. Youcan set the day.hour and minutefollowingthe same procedure
used for setting the year and month.
11. Press ENTERafter setting the minuteand the clocksetting screenwiil
disappear.Theselecteddate andtime will then bedisplayed.
1. Makesurethatyou haveset the DATE/TIME.
2. Set the powerswitchto CAMERAmode.(see page22)
• Openthe LCD monitorand adjust itto see comfortably.
3. Press the DATE/TIMEbuttonthe requirednumberof times.
• Torecordthe date only,pressthe DATE/TIMEbuttononce.
• Torecordthe date and time, press the DATE/TIMEbuttontwice.
4. Press theSTART/STOPbuttonto recordthe DATE/TIMEon yourrecording.
• If yourdate and timesettings arenot maintainedin the camcorder,
it meansthe installedLITHIUMBATTERYisdischarged.(seepage21)
• Youcannot concealthe recordeddate or time during playback.
• The DATE/TIMEfunctioncannotbe turnedoff in EASYor CUSTOMmode.