Playing back a Tape
Press INI (PLAY/STILL)button during playback.
To resumeplayback,press INI (PLAY/STILL)buttonagain.
Note: Yourcamcorderwill automaticallystop if it is leftfor morethan
5 minutes in STILL modewithoutoperation in order to
preventtape and head-drumwear,
Press m-m-(FF)or <.4 (REW) buttonsduring playback.
To resumenormal playback,releasethe buttons,
÷ The ZERO RETURNfunction worksin STOPof PLAYERmode,
4" Youcan Fast Forwardor Rewindto 0:00:00 automatically.
1, Set the powerswitchto PLAYERmode,
• Makesurethat STOPisdisplayed.
2, Press the ZERO RETURNbutton,
• Z,RETURNis displayed.
• FFor REWworks automatically.
• The ZERO RETURNbuttondoes notwork when theTAPECOUNTERreads0:O0:00,
• Set the COUNTERRESETto "C.RESET0:00:00" in MENU modeat the start of the cassetteor the required
When youwish to find thispoint on the tape again, pressZ,RETURN buttonwhen playbackis stopped,