Playing back a Tape
÷ The LCDcontrolin PLAYERmode is identicalto step 3of page30, exceptthe powerswitchmustbe
setto PLAYERmode,
+ The speakeristurned ON/OFF by opening/closingthe LCD.
+ The speakerON/OFF seftingoperates whenthe LCD is opened.
When it is setto OFF,the speakerwon't turn on evenafter opening
the LCD,
1, Setthe powerswitchto PLAYERmode,
2, Pressthe MENUON/OFF button,
then the MENUlistwill appear,
3, Turn the UP/DOWNdial to SPEAKER.
4, PressENTERto switch the selection.
5, Pressthe MENUON/OFF buttonagainto endthe SPEAKERsetting.
DISP_Y .......... ON
CRESET ........... 0_00
DISP_Y .......... ON
CRESET ........... 0_00
Speakervolume can becontrolledby turning
the MENUdial during playback,
Note: Whenthe MENU listis on, volumewill not be changed,
÷ The procedurefor usingDSEin PLAYERmode is the same as the procedurefor using DSE in CAMERAmode,
except that the powerswitch mustbe setto PLAYERinsteadof CAMERA.Pleaserefer to pages44 and 45,
Note: The GHOST,STROBE,NEG.,MIRROR,MOSAIC,CINEMA and 16:9(WIDE)effectswill notoperatewhen your
camcorderis in PLAYERmode,
÷ Pressingthe DSE buttonwill scroUthroughthe availablesettings,
pat theone you require,