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(4) The configuration of the writable character file stored in the ATA card is as follows.
1st byte No. of dots for left offset
2nd byte (from upper to lower)
3rd byte No. of dots for top offset
4th byte (from upper to lower)
5th byte No. of dots for character height
6th byte (from upper to lower)
7th byte No. of dots for character width
8th byte (from upper to lower)
9th byte No. of dots for horizontal spacing/proportional spacing
10th byte (from upper to lower)
11th byte Writable character data (Hex. data)
(If it is stored in the nibble mode, data is 8 bits/byte.)
(5) When writable characters are stored in the ATA card, the “GAIJI” directory is
created, and then the directory for each writable character set is created under the
“GAIJI” directory level as shown on the next page. One writable character file is
created in the writable character set directory per writable character.