System Administrator’s Guide U42252-J-Z915-1-76
Installation and Configuration Configuration
This makes it possible to carry out a recovery more rapidly, or to carry out a
point-in-time recovery without having to read in the redolog files, since the
existing redolog files can be used.
The parameter AMON_INTERVALL determines the time interval (in seconds)
at which the archiving monitor is induced to compare the current number of
accrued offline redolog files with the value of AMON_MAX_LOGS.
With this parameter you define whether the offline redolog files will be
backed up twice by using mirroring. The following parameter is to be set only
if your answer is y(es).
Here enter the name of the NetWorker server that should control the backup
of the optional second NetWorker backup group. Additionally with this para-
meter a name is defined for the corresponding backup group. You may
change this name later on, if necessary (see “Parameters with Expert
If there is no entry for AMON_MIRROR_GROUP and
AMON_MIRROR_SERVER in the dbo${ORACLE_SID}.init configuration file no
mirrored backup will be performed.
For the mirrored backup being activated by using AMON_MIRROR_GROUP
und AMON_MIRROR_SERVER the backed up redolog files will only be dele-
ted if both redolog backups have benn completed successfully.
You can use this parameter to specify a mail address to which the list of
backed up redologs/tablespaces should be sent.
Period of time (in seconds) after which AMON_WATCH_DOG_CMD (see next
parameter) should be called if the backup or mirror backup of the redolog
files has not been performed.
Command to be executed if the backup or mirror backup of redolog files fails
or if the backup was not ended after AMON_WATCH_DELAY seconds.