System Administrator’s Guide U42252-J-Z915-1-76
NSR-ORA and NetApp Configuring NSR-ORA
This parameter defines the type of and number of snapshot backups to be
kept for a restore process. NetWorker uses three types of snapshots:
snapshot-by-week (first value), snapshots-by-day (second value) and
snapshot-by-hour (third value). The sum of all three values must not exceed
the value 30. NetWorker names the snapshot files automatically using the
following scheme:
The type names of the snapshots do not describe the retention time the
relevant snapshot files are kept by NetWorker not the cycle when the backup
is performed.
– The last “n” snapshots are called “snapshots-by-hour”. They may have
been created on several different days. If, for example, the value for this
type of snapshots is set to “10” and NetWorker generates a snapshot
every six hours, then the ten snapshots-by-hour kept by NetWorker date
from three different days. With every new snapshot-backup of the
database all the existing snapshots-by-hour are renamed. Therefore the
oldest snapshot will either be deleted (if the number of existing snapshot
files exceeds the defined maximum number of snapshots to be kept) or
will be renamed to a snapshot-by-day (see example).
– The snapshots-by-day are “older” snapshots-by-hour, which have been
set and renamed to this type of snapshot. A snapshot-by-hour is
renamed to a snapshot-by-day if it is the last backup on a day. Whenever
NetWorker generates a new snapshot-by-day the existing snapshots-by-
day are renamed using a higher counter. Thus the oldest snapshot will
either be deleted (if the number of existing snapshot files exceeds the
defined maximum number of snapshots to be kept) or will be renamed to
a snapshot-by-week (see example).
– The snapshots-by-week are former snapshots-by-day which were
generated on the last day of a week. If a snapshot-by-day is to be
deleted, NSR-ORA checks, wether it has been created on the last day of
a week as defined by the LAST_WEEK_DAY parameter (see below). Thus
this snapshot becomes a snapshot-by-week. The oldest snapshot will be
deleted (if the number of existing snapshot files exceeds the defined
maximum number of snapshots to be kept) and all the other snapshots-
by-week to be kept by NetWorker are renamed using a higher counter
(see example).