System Administrator’s Guide U42252-J-Z915-1-76
Installation and Configuration Configuration
Note that only one file (in our example: SYSTEM) is needed in the direc-
tories ${ORACLE_SID}_full_save and ${ORACLE_SID}_offline for a
tablespace that is to be backed up. If at least one of the existing
tablespaces is specified here, that tablespace along with all other exist-
ing tablespaces and the control file will be backed up automatically.
It is also recommended generally to carry out a full backup
(${ORACLE_SID}_full_save or ${ORACLE_SID}_offline) at least once a
week. This ensures that all tablespaces are backed up at least once a
week and at the same time all control files (and in an offline backup
additionally all redolog files) will be backed up as well.
For the automatic recovery of the database to the state of a previous
point in time (see section “Automatic Recovery for an Optional Point in
Time”) backups with „full“ level and redolog files are explicitely required.
Individually saved tablespaces are not used therefore.
The <ORACLE_SID>_recover save set needed with earlier versions must
not be used any more.
If you are using NSR-ORA for the first time, it is advisable and convenient to use
the configuration tool configure_nsrora described in section “Configuring NSR-
ORA”. This tool creates a directory for every weekday (monday, tuesday, ..) and
prompts you for the names of the tablespaces to be backed up.
It is important that the owner of the (empty) tablespace files be
$ORACLE_OWNER and for them to belong to the same group as
$ORACLE_OWNER (usually dba).