System Administrator’s Guide U42252-J-Z915-1-76
Installation and Configuration Configuration
This configuration helps fulfill the requirements for the NSR-ORA administrator
to define a backup schedule within NetWorker. The steps necessary for this are
explained in the following section.
4.3.6 Configuring NetWorker
To simplify the NetWorker configuration process, the tool configure_networker is
provided for the first-time configuration. It is located in the directory
$NSR_INST/oracle/config. Note that this tool requires the file
dbo${ORACLE_SID}.init. The settings made by configure_networker correspond
to those in section “Defining backup sets (save sets)” (tablespace backup at
weekly intervals). If you want to split up the backup of the tablespaces the
default is to create one client for each day of the week and an additional client
for the full backup. However, the client for the full backup is then not active by
If you simply wish to carry out full backups then only the client for full backups
is created (${ORACLE_SID}_full_save). Alternatively, a client for offline backups
can also be added here (${ORACLE_SID}_offline).
The tool is called with
# configure_networker <create|delete> <ORACLE_SID>
You can erase a first-time configuration with the delete option (changes made
after the first-time configuration with configure_networker are not erased).
While the tool is working you are prompted to enter the following information:
● the name of the NetWorker client on which NSR-ORA and the ORACLE
database are installed
● the name of the NetWorker server by means of which the database is to be
backed up
● the way in which the NetWorker server is to be configured. It depends on this
which resources have to be defined on the NetWorker server:
– for backup only (backup; normal use)
– for mirroring only (mirror; configuration of the second NetWorker server
for a dual backup of the redolog files)
– for both (both; normal use and mirroring)
Please check the settings that configure_networker made and compare them with
the entries described in section “Parameters for configure_nsrora”.