System Administrator’s Guide U42252-J-Z915-1-76
NSR-ORA and NetApp Recommendations
6.3 Recommendations
This section provides recommendations for using NSR-ORA to backup data on
high performance NAS devices.
1. For the Archivelog files backup (Amon backups) and to save the backup infor-
mation a second, non-NDMP device is required. This device should be
connected to the database server. However it is also possible to use another
remote volume, that does not work with the NDMP protocol and in this case
the data is backed up over the network.
2. It is strongly recommended that the NetApp volumes be arranged as follows:
– For every database to backup you should use exactly one volume
– On the relevant volume the database should be exclusively stored (this
rule may be broken when backing up the control and the online redolog
files which can be located on another remote and/or local volume).
Otherwise performing a snap restore operation may fail.
3. Do not store all of the control files on the NetApp volume. At least one of
them should be located on a local drive.
4. The online redo log files may be mirrored by ORACLE. It is recommended
that the original online redolog files should be stored on the database’s
NetApp volume and the mirrored files on the database’s local drives.
6.4 Configuring NSR-ORA with NetApp Filers
This section describes the configuration of NSR-ORA when used with a NetApp
6.4.1 Configuring NSR-ORA
When running the configure_nsrora script the administrator will be asked if the
database is located on an NDMP Filer. If “yes” the administrator will be prompted
to setup the following parameters: