System Administrator’s Guide U42252-J-Z915-1-76
NSR-ORA and NetApp Recovery
Example 2: Recovery based on a specified snapshot
Should I try to use a copy from the LAST SNAPSHOT or
do you want to select a specific snapshot
1) last SNAPSHOT
2) select SNAPSHOT
(default 1:) > 2
Please select one of the following SNAPSHOTS
1) Jul 31 04:03 nsrora_NET816_hour.1
2) Jul 31 00:03 nsrora_NET816_hour.2
3) Jul 30 23:03 nsrora_NET816_hour.3
4) Jul 30 20:03 nsrora_NET816_hour.4
5) Jul 30 16:03 nsrora_NET816_hour.5
6) Jul 29 23:03 nsrora_NET816_day.1
7) Jul 28 23:03 nsrora_NET816_day.2
8) Jul 27 23:03 nsrora_NET816_day.3
Please select a SNAPSHOT from the list
> 1
INFO: doing ndmpcopy for /netapp_oracle/sapdata4/proti_1
The redolog files needed for the recovery of the Oracle database are
restored directly from NSR-ORA (as in version 3.1) and made available
to the database.