Rosemary is a perfect partner for these grilled potatoes.
2 poun ds new red p ota toes
3 tabl esp oons oli ve oi l
¾ teas poo n kos her salt
½ teaspoo n f r es h l y
Ground black p e p p er
4 f re s h ro s e m a ry spriGs
Makes about 6 servings
Approximate preparation time: About 40 to
50 minutes
Put whole potatoes into a large saucepan and cover
with water. Bring to a boil and then reduce to a simmer.
Simmer until potatoes are barely fork tender; be careful
not to overcook. Drain potatoes and cool to just room
temperature. While potatoes are cooling, insert the
slicing disc assembly, adjusted to 4mm, into the large
work bowl of the Cuisinart
Food Processor. Slice the
potatoes and toss with the olive oil, salt, pepper and
Preheat the Cuisinart
, fitted with the grill
plates to sear. Grill the potato slices in the closed
position for about 2 to 3 minutes, until grill marks are
present. Repeat with remaining slices. Toss grilled slices
together. Taste, adjust seasoning accordingly, and serve.
Nutritional information per serving:
Calories 179 (32% from fat)
carb. 27g
pro. 4g
fat 6g
sat. fat 1g
chol. 0mg
sod. 304mg
calc. 2mg
fiber 2g