sw e e t cr ê p e ba t t e r:
3 larGe eGGs
¾ c up unbleached,
all -pu r p o se flou r
½ teas poo n salt
2 tablesp oons Granulated
suG ar
1 teaspoo n pur e v an il la
ex tra ct
1 cup w ho l e m i lk
¼ c up (½ s t i ck ) unsa lted
b u t t er, m e lt e d
be rr i es :
2 cup s m i x e d f re s h b er r ie s
¼ teas poo n ora nGe z e s t
2 teaspoo ns Granulated
suG ar
masc arpone cre am:
ounc es mascarpone
¾ cup heavy cream
cup su p e r fi n e suGa r
1 teaspoo n pur e v an il la
ex tra ct
pinch salt
¼ teas poo n ora nGe z e s t
1 teas poo n unsalted b u t t e r
conf ect ione rs’ suGar fo r
d u s t in G
Makes 6 servings
Approximate preparation time: 25 minutes, not including
resting the batter
Insert the large metal chopping blade into the large work bowl
of the Cuisinart
Food Processor. With the machine running, add
the eggs to the work bowl. Stir together the flour, salt and sugar
and add to the work bowl and mix until just combined. With the
machine running, add the vanilla, milk and butter together and
process until homogenous. Transfer mixture to a container;
cover and let rest in the refrigerator for 2 hours or overnight.
Insert the small metal chopping blade into the small work bowl
and add the berries, orange zest and sugar. Process until
completely puréed. Strain the purée through a fine mesh
strainer and discard the seeds; reserve.
Insert the large metal chopping blade into the clean large work
bowl and add the mascarpone cream ingredients; process until
all ingredients are well incorporated, about 15 seconds.
Prepare the crêpes. Place an 8-inch skillet over medium heat
and preheat for 5 minutes. Once the pan is heated, add the
butter. Once melted, wipe the butter around the pan with a
paper towel. Add a scant 3 tablespoons of batter to the
preheated pan. Working very quickly, move the batter around
so it just coats the bottom. You want the pan to be coated thinly
and evenly. After about 1 minute, when the crêpe is set and
lightly browned, flip the crêpe with a heatproof spatula and
cook for an additional minute on the second side. Reserve on a
plate. Continue with the remaining batter, stacking the crêpes
as you go. When all of the crêpes are prepared, cover plate with
foil – to keep crepes warm, place plate over a skillet containing
some water over medium-low heat.
To serve crêpes: spread 1½ tablespoons of mascarpone cream
and about 1 tablespoon of the puréed berries on each crêpe
and fold into thirds. Place three crêpes on each plate and dust
with confectioner’s sugar and reserved berry purée.
Nutritional information per serving:
Calories 393 (56% from fat)
carb. 35g
pro. 9g
fat 25g
sat. fat 15g
chol. 172mg
sod. 342mg
calc. 98mg
fiber 1g
Crépe-making takes some practice, but once you get
the technique down it is all worth it.