b u t t er t o p r e p a r e the pans
2 c ups unblea ched,
all -pu r p o se flou r
¾ teas poo n bakinG so da
½ teas poo n bakinG p ow d e r
½ teas poo n salt
¾ cup Granu lated suGar
¾ cup b row n suGar
5 ounces b it t e r sw e e t
choc ola te, c ho p p e d
¾ c up u n s w ee t e n ed coco a
p o w de r
½ tablespo on es p r e s s o
p o w de r
1 cup boilinG w a t e r
1 c up (½ poun d; 2 st ick s)
uns alted b u t t e r, m e lt e d
and coo led
¾ cup b u t t e r m i l k
3 larGe eGGs
½ tablespo on pure v an il la
ex tra ct
Makes two 9-inch cakes (one 2- or 4-layer cake), 12 servings
Approximate preparation time: 15 minutes, plus 50 minutes
to bake, plus cooling time
Preheat oven to 350°F. Coat two 9-inch round pans with butter
and cut rounds of parchment paper to fit the bottoms of each pan.
Insert the large metal chopping blade into the large work bowl of
the Cuisinart
Food Processor. Add the flour, baking soda, baking
powder, salt and sugars and pulse 10 times and then process for
20 seconds to sift.
Place the bittersweet chocolate, cocoa powder and espresso
powder into a small bowl and pour the boiling water over
ingredients and stir to combine; reserve.
With the machine running, slowly pour the butter through the feed
tube. Continue pouring the buttermilk, eggs, and vanilla through
the feed tube until ingredients are just combined. Pour the
chocolate mixture evenly over the batter and pulse to completely
Divide the batter evenly between the two prepared pans. Bake in
oven for 45 to 50 minutes, until a cake tester comes out just clean.
Let pans rest on cooling racks for 15 minutes. Remove cake from
pans but leave on the racks until completely cool. Once cool, cut
each layer in half horizontally to frost with Cream Cheese Frosting
and build a four-layer cake, or leave the layers as is and make a
thick two-layer cake.
Nutritional information per serving:
Calories 258 (23% from fat)
carb. 49g
pro. 6g
fat 7g
sat. fat 3g
chol. 54mg
sod. 224mg
calc. 38mg
fiber 3g
Frost this deep and rich chocolate cake with
Cream Cheese Frosting (below).
Makes about 5½ cups
Approximate preparation time: 10 minutes
Insert the large metal chopping blade into the large work bowl
of the Cuisinart
Food Processor. Add the cream cheese,
butter, sugar and salt; pulse 2 to 3 times and then process until
smooth. Add the vanilla and sour cream and pulse to combine.
Nutritional information per serving (1 tablespoon):
Calories 84 (81% from fat)
carb. 3g
pro. 1g
fat 8g
sat. fat 5g
chol. 23mg
sod. 57mg
calc. 8mg
fiber 0g
28 ounces cream c h e e se
(room t em p e r at u r e ), eac h
pac kaGe of cr eam c h e e s e
cut i nto 6 p i e ce s
1½ c ups (¾ pound; 3 sti cks )
uns alted b u t t e r, room
t e m pe r a t ur e
2 c ups confec tio ners ’
suG ar , si f t e d
¾ teas poo n salt
1 teaspoo n pur e v an il la
ex tra ct
2 teas poo ns so ur cream