Makes about 2¼ cups
Approximate preparation time: 25 minutes, including
cooking time
Put the milk, cream, ¼ cup sugar, salt and vanilla into a
saucepan over medium heat. Bring mixture to a heavy
Insert the large metal chopping blade into the large
work bowl of the Cuisinart
Food Processor. Add the
yolks, cornstarch and remaining sugar, process for
1 minute until mixture is light and thick.
With the machine running, pour ¾ to 1½ cups of the
milk mixture slowly through the feed tube and process
mixture for about 1 minute.
Return mixture to the saucepan over medium heat.
Bring to a boil and cook while whisking continuously,
being sure to whisk the entire surface of the pan, for
about 2½ minutes until thickened. Stirring constantly is
very important to avoid overcooking the eggs.
Strain mixture through a fine mesh strainer into the large
work bowl fitted with the large metal chopping blade.
Process for 5 minutes. Pour mixture into a clean mixing
bowl and cover directly with plastic wrap and cool
before using.
For a lighter pastry cream: whip the ½ cup of heavy
cream to medium peaks with 1½ tablespoons of
confectioners’ sugar. Fold the sweetened whipped
cream into the pastry cream once completely cool.
Nutritional information per serving (2 tablespoons):
Calories 72 (50% from fat)
carb. 8g
pro. 1g
fat 4g
sat. fat 2g
chol. 58mg
sod. 72mg
calc. 32mg
fiber 0g
1½ cup s m i l k
½ cup heavy cream
½ c up Granulated suGar,
½ teas poo n salt
½ tablespo on pure v an il la
ex tra ct
4 larGe eGG y olk s
2 tabl esp oons co rnst ar ch
for a liGhter p a s t r y cre am:
½ cup heavy cream
1½ ta bles poo ns
conf ect ione rs’ suGar
This all-purpose pastry cream is a great foundation for fresh fruit tarts –
the food processor makes it easy.