©SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION 2008-2009. All rights reserved.
6. 3 Printer menu
This window can be opened by selecting Device, Configuration, and then the Printer tab.
The Printer menu displays information on printers that have network interfaces mounted on them.
The following table explains in detail how this setup window works.
Item Explanation
Enter the physical location of the printer (with 0 to 255 ASCII characters). Character
numbers that can be used varies depending on the network system you use.
Model Name
The model name of the printer on which a network interface is installed is displayed
here. Grayed out if the network interface is not supported by the system.
You can use 0 to 128 ASCII characters.
Character numbers that can be used varies depending on the network system you
Printer ID
The model ID of the printer is displayed, in decimal.
This item is not displayed if the network interface is not supported by the system.
Printer Type
The type ID of the printer is displayed, in decimal.
This item is not displayed if the network interface is not supported by the system.
ROM Version
The ROM version ID of the printer is displayed, in decimal.
This item is not displayed if the network interface is not supported by the system.
OK button Click the OK button to save new settings. The password is required.
Cancel button Click the Cancel button to discard any changes.