About This Guide
Use this guide as you install and operate the tape drive.
In addition to instructions for installation and operation,
this guide provides information about selecting and
maintaining data cartridges, cleaning the tape drive, and
packing the tape drive for shipment.
Conventions Used in This Guide
This guide uses the following conventions to highlight
special information:
Note: Notes provide hints or suggestions about the topic
or procedure being discussed.
Information in Important boxes will help you
successfully complete a procedure or avoid
additional steps in a procedure.
Information in Caution boxes explains how to avoid
damaging the tape drive, the data cartridge, other
equipment, or data recorded on tape.
For More Information
Fortapedrivespecifications,refertotheEXB-8500 and
EXB-8500c 8mm Cartridge Tape Subsystems Product
Specification (510200). For information about
programming SCSI commands for the tape drive, refer to
the EXB-8500 8mm Cartridge Tape Subsystem User’s Manual
(510201) or the EXB-8500c 8mm Cartridge Tape Subsystem
User’s Manual (510209).
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