H52 Series Fryers manufactured for Non-CE countries use different burners for each type gas. The
burners in fryers built for Propane gas have a special gray-colored coating on the burner tiles to en-
able them to withstand the higher caloric value of the Propane gas. Burners designed for use in Pro-
pane units may be used in natural gas applications, but not vice versa.
Non-CE Gas Conversion Kits
Natural Gas to Propane (LP) Gas Propane (LP) Gas to Natural Gas
Full Vat: Part Number 826-1145 Full Vat: Part Number 826-1146
Dual Vat: Part Number 826-1147 Dual Vat: Part Number 826-1148
Units manufactured for export to CE countries are equipped with “universal” burners that may be
used with either natural (G20, G25) gas or Butane (G30) and Propane (G31) gasses.
CE Gas Conversion Kits for Units with Gas Valve 810-1011
G20 or G25 (Natural) to G30 or G31 Gas: G30 or G31 to G20 or G25 (Natural) Gas:
Part Number 826-1196 Part Number 826-1197
1. Between G20- and G25-type Natural Gas, adjust the gas pressure at the regulator. (Refer to the
CE Standard Burner Manifold Gas Pressure Chart.) Do not change the orifice.
2. Between a 2
family (G20 or G25) and a 3
family gas (G30 Butane or G31 Propane):
a. Change the orifices.
b. Change the gas valve spring (units with valve part number 810-1011only)
c. Adjust the manifold pressure.
3. Remove the rating plate and install a new one. Call your local service agency or KES for a new
rating plate.
4. If the destination language changes, replace the labels. Call your local service agency or KES for
a label kit. The language of reference will be on the corner of the label.
2.6 Frypot Boil-Out
Before the fryer is first used for cooking product, it should be boiled out to ensure that any residue
from the manufacturing process has been eliminated.
In addition, after the fryer has been in use for a period of time, a hard film of caramelized vegetable
oil will form on the inside of the frypot. This film should be periodically removed by following the
boil-out procedure.
Refer to Fryers Maintenance Requirement Card (MRC) 14A for the boil-out procedure.