• Donotallowplasticobjects,sugar,or foodswith highsugarcontentto meltontothe
hotcooktop. Meltedmaterialscancausepermanentdamagetothecooktop. If you
accidentallymeltanythingontothecooktopor a sugarysolutionboilsover, remove
it immediatelywhilethecooktopisstill hot. Carefully,useasingleedgerazorblade
held with a potholderto scrape the melted materialor sugaryboiloverto a cooler
area of the cooktop. Useseveral layers of paper towelsto wipe up the spillover
being careful not to burn yourself. Whenthe element hascooled, usethe razor
bladetoscrapeoff theremainingsoilandcleanasyouwouldforheavyspills. (See
p. 39.)
• Do notuse aluminumfoilor foil-typecontainersunder anycircumstances. Alumi-
numfoilwilldamagethecooktopifitmeltsontotheglass. Ifmetalmeltsoncooktop,
do not use, Call an authorized Jenn-AirService Contractor.
• Do not usethe glass-ceramicoooktopas a cuttingboard.
• DoNOTuseabrasivecleansingpowdersorscouringpads(includingmetalscouring
pads), which will scratchthe cooktop.
• Do NOT use chlorine bleach, ammonia, rust removers, oven cleaners, or other
cleanser not specificallyrecommendedfor use on glass-ceramic.
• Testcastironwaresinceallare notflat. Alsobe cautionedagainstpossible"impact
damage"shouldthe heavycookpot be dropped on the glass-ceramicsurface.
Use Jenn-Air'sfiat bottomwok accessory(Model
AO142) for optimum results. The wok has a
nonstick finish, wood handles, cover, steaming
rack,rice paddles, cookingtips and recipes.