• Tendercutsof meator marinatedmeatsare bestforbroiling. Thisincludes riband
loincutsofsteak,groundbeef,hamsteaks, poultrypiecesorfish. Forbest results,
steaksshould be at least 1" thick• Thinnersteaks should be pan-broiled.
• Donotcoverbroilergrid withfoil sincethis preventsfat drippingsfrom draininginto
the bottomof the pan.
• Beforebroiling,removeexcessfatfrom meatandscoreedgesoffat (donotcut into
meat)to prevent meat from curling. Salt after cooking.
• To preventdry surfaceon fish or lean meats,brush melted butter ontop.
• Foodsthat requireturningshould be turnedonly onceduring broiling. Turn meat
with tongsto avoid piercingand loss ofjuices.
Chart time is basedon a preheatedbroil element usingthe "HI" setting•
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*An"o" after a rack numberimplies that the offset rack shouldbe used•
Note: This chart is a suggestedguide• Thetimes may vary with food being cooked.