• Preheatingis not necessary.
• Foropenpan roasting,place meatorpoultryon theslottedportionofthetwo-piece
pan includedwith theoven. Donot add waterto the pan. Useopen pan roasting
for tendercutsofmeat. Lesstendercutsof meatneedto be cookedbymoistheat
in a covered pan.
• For best results,a meat thermometer is the most accurate guide to degree of
aloneness.The tip ofthe thermometer shouldbe located in the thickest partof a
roast, nottouching fat, bone, or gristle. For turkeys and large poultry products,
insert the tip ofthe thermometer intothe thickest part of the inner thigh.
• Placeroast fat side up to allowself basting of meatduring roasting.
• Since meatscontinue to cook after being removed from the oven, remove roast
from oven when it reaches an internal temperatureabout 5 degrees below the
• For }assloss of juices and easiercarving,allow about 15 minutes"standingtime"
after removingmeat from oven.
• Forbestresultsin roastingpoultry,thawcomplete)y.Duetothestructureofpoultry,
partiallythawed poultry will cook unevenly.
• If preferred,tendercutsof meat can be roasted in theconventionalbakeovenby
followingthe general recommendationsgiven above. However, meatswill roast
more quicklyin the convectovenusingConvect Roast.
• Conventionalbake isbestforlesstendercutsof meatthatrequirea longer,moist
• Meatscookedinovencookingbags,dutchovens,orcoveredmastingpansarebest
cookedintheconventionalbakeovenusingthe BakePad.
• Use meat masting charts in standard cookbooks for recommendedtimes and
temperaturesfor roastingin a conventionalbake oven.