1. Shut off power at main breaker.
2. Remove conveyor.
3. Remove front control compartment cover.
4. Remove air switch cover plate.
5. Disconnect wiring and mark for reassembly.
6. Loosen 2 screws and remove air switch.
7. Disconnect 1/4" air tube.
8. Reassemble in reverse order.
9. Turn on power and calibrate air switch as follows:
a) Turn adjusting screw counter clockwise to full out position.
b) Turn main fan and heat switch on.
c) Turn adjusting screw clockwise until heat shuts off.
d) Turn adjusting screw (counterclockwise) 1/4 turn and unit should heat.
NOTE: Test as follows
e) Oven must be tested in heated condition.
f) Remove main fan fuse. Main fan should shut down, deactivating air switch causing
heat to shut off in approximately 5 to 25 seconds.
g) Fine tune adjustment as needed.
NOTE: If your unit contains a Fenwal temperature control board, (see below) replace it with a thermologic
control board.
1. Remove Fenwal board.
2. Remove 5K ohm potentiometer
3. Remove wire #63 from oven. This wire is connected to Fenwall board at terminal #5.
4. Install new thermologic board with 2 screws.
5. Install new 2.5K ohm potentiometer.
6. Attach leads to thermologic board as shown in drawings. See Page D5.
1. Located in control compartment below drive end of the conveyor
2. Shut off power at main breaker and remove conveyor.
3. Remove front control compartment cover.
4. Remove the two mounting screws.
5. Remove the electrical leads and replace the control board.
6. Identify the style of thermologic board by looking at the top of the transformer
on the board. There are five styles of boards, each identified by a color marked
on the transformer, either RED, BLUE, GREEN, GOLD, OR A SILVER DOT. Refer to Page D5 showing proper
wiring connection.
NOTE:When mounting a new temperature control board, DO NOT overtighten the two mounting
7. Turn the potentiometer fully counterclockwise.
8. Loosen the Dial/Knob set screw and position the 50°F mark at the pointer.
NOTE: The thermocouple of your test meter should be inserted through a finger hole
in the top center of the oven, and the oven pre-heated for 30 minutes to stabilize
the oven at set temperature. The thermocouple probe must not touch metal, it must
sense air temperature only.
9. Adjustment of the GREEN, GOLD OR SILVER dot control board may be required when installing a new board.
Adjustment is seldom required on RED and BLUE boards.
a) For RED or BLUE control boards with the temperature control dial at maximum,
the reading on your temperature test meter should be between 555°F (290°C)
and 575°F (302°C). If not at this temperature adjust pot P3 to achieve these
figures. Refer to Page D5.
Impinger II - 1100 Series Service Manual - International