Lincoln 1100 Series Convection Oven User Manual

1. Shut off power at main breaker.
2. Remove conveyor.
3. Remove control compartment covers.
4. Remove conveyor gear motor.
5. Loosen 4 burner nuts holding burner flange to oven wall.
6. Unplug burner blower motor. This plug has built in locking clips on 2 sides ofthe plug. Push in to release.
7. Loosen 3 screws holding the blower air horn to burner.
8. Remove top control compartment brace.
9. Spring back side of control box out slightly, push burner to side, and you should now be able to pull the right
side of the motor to the front, which should free the air horn from the burner. In some extreme cases the
cooling fan may have to be removed.
10. Assemble in reverse order.
1. Remove control compartment covers.
2. Remove two (2) wires from alarm, note wire numbers and location.
3. Remove retainer cover from alarm and remove assembly from mounting bracket.
4. Reassemble in reverse order and check.
Impinger II - 1100 Series Service Manual - International 69