a 1 exhaust socket
for exhaust ducting C 150 mm.
b 1 reducing collar
for exhaust ducting C125 mm.
c 1 non-return valve
for fitting into the exhaust socket (not
for recirculation mode).
d 2 covers
for the brackets
e 2 brackets
to support the appliance in the wall
f 2 retaining brackets
for additional aligning and securing
of the cooker hood in a 900 mm wide
unit (DA 3590 only) .
g 1 cover
for the charcoal filter slots.
h 1 spacer strip
to conceal the gap between the rear
of the appliance and the wall.
i Conversion kit for recirculation
(this is not supplied, but is available
as an optional accessory - see
"Technical data").
The kit contains an exhaust grille and
flexible aluminium hose with clips.
12 screws4x15mm
for securing the cooker hood into the
wall unit.
4 screws M4 x 16 mm
for securing the cooker hood to the
brackets and for securing the spacer
4 screws M4x8mm
for securing the spacer strip.
2 screws4x40mm,
2 plugs6x36mm
for additional securing of the cooker
hood to the wall (only when fitting the
DA 3590 into a 900 mm wide unit).
4 screws4x25mm
for additionally securing the DA 3590
into a 600 mm wide unit.
4 adhesive covers
to conceal the fixing holes which are
not required (DA 3590 only).
1xT20angled key